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Webinar: Innovating process heat supply | Power to heat and thermal storage



Process heat represents a large share of industrial consumers’ final energy demand and is still largely supplied by fossil fuels. However, the gas supply cliff in South Africa challenges the economics and security of supply of conventional supply models. Coupled with increasing decarbonisation pressures, alternative solutions are gaining traction.

In addition to traditional alternatives like biomass or electric boilers, innovative solutions such as thermal energy storage offer substantial technical and economic benefits to industrial users. They also enable access to renewable energy sources, reducing scope 2 emissions for the industrial sector.

The Carbon Tax at home and the increasing application of Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAMs) by South Africa’s major export markets now requires companies to consider low carbon intensive options on all of their key inputs.

This webinar will discuss power to heat as a sustainable, affordable alternative to conventional, fossil fuel-based process heat supply for industrial users. It will focus on thermal energy storage technology, innovative heat supply business models and give examples for specific production sites.

DATE: Monday 20 May 2024

TIME: 12h00 to 14h20 SA time (GMT+2)

PLATFORM: Zoom Webinar 1000

COST: No cost, free-of-charge, all welcome

Register here to attend the webinar


Following a welcome and contextualisation of the webinar, Chris Yelland, managing director at EE Business Intelligence, will highlight some of the key issues and challenges facing industrial gas users and South Africa in general in respect of gas supply and decarbonisation imperatives. Thereafter, four expert presenters will each give 20-minute presentations. This will be followed by a 30-minute open discussion and Q&A session, and then thanks and closure by Chris Yelland.


  • Jaco Human, Executive Director, IGUA-SA.
  • Dr Maria Vasconcelos, Co-CEO, Lumenion Gmbh, Germany.
  • Thiago Martins Wilman, EAD Heat Decarbonization Solutions, Siemens Energy, Brazil.
  • Rosalind Dos Santos, Group Energy Manager, Mpact.

Download the presenter biographies here

Supported by:
LumenionSiemens EnergyMpactIndustrial Gas Users Association of SA (IGUA-SA)Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA)

Distributed on behalf of EE Business intelligence

Source: Frog Communitcations

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