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Launch of the Forest Sector Nature Positive Roadmap


Launch of the Forest Sector Nature Positive Roadmap, members of the Forest Solutions Group (FSG) of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) release Phase I of the Forest Sector Nature-Positive Roadmap. Developed with input from 30 external stakeholders, this is the first of several sectoral nature-positive roadmaps from WBCSD. The roadmaps provide guidance for business action to halt and reverse nature loss, set science-based nature-related targets, and consistently disclose progress using quantifiable metrics. 

Phase I of the Forest Sector Nature-Positive Roadmap rallies the sector behind a shared definition of nature-positive that is grounded in concrete actions to halt and reverse nature loss along the full life cycle of forest products. While high-impact actions lie across the full value chain, restorative and regenerative actions are located upstream in the working forests from which forest products originate. These represent the forest sector’s greatest opportunity to contribute to net gains for nature.   

Members of the Forest Solutions Group commit to working collaboratively to drive progress on the actions outlined in the roadmap. To inspire action, they share illustrative examples of forest companies driving system-level transformation through engagement in impactful partnerships in their landscapes and regions of operations. 

To prepare forest companies for science-based nature-related targets and disclosures, the roadmap is closely aligned with emerging frameworks from the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and aims to contribute to their development. Phase I of the roadmap serves as a bedrock for subsequent guidance and tools to be developed in the coming years to support forest companies in implementing nature-positive strategies.  

Source: Forest Solutions Group (FSG)

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Forest Sector Nature-Positive Roadmap,Forest Solutions Group,World Business Council for Sustainable Development

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